Friday, June 25, 2010

Big big and bigger news!

So wow, it's been a while since I've updated and SO much has been going on. Firstly we scheduled our second homestudy meeting with our caseworker. We're set to meet on July 9th! It will be an opportunity for us to go over our answers on our paperwork, he will do a more thorough inspection of our house, and such. Second big news is that we have our PRIDE training scheduled, well at least we will as long as I can get out of class for one of the days and Mark can get out of work. Once those a done we will have completed our end of everything.
So now for the bigger news....I got called for 2 job interviews!! I know I know not really adoption related, but it could have some ramifications. The first interview is for the Girl Scouts! It's pretty much the same position that I could have had an interview for back in Sept. It is a Membership Specialist position which is responsible for recruiting volunteers and girls and doing some other side projects as needed. It's a pretty awesome job great for a first time job in the sector and it would be so nice to have a full-time job. So now for the's in Arkansas!! So that would mean we would have to restart the adoption process in Arkansas, and of course all of the logistics of moving cross country!
The second job is for an administrative assistant/receptionist position for a real estate management company. The job is full time with benefits making a rather nice salary. This job is located in Grand Haven, which means we'd both be working full-time I'd be able to stay in school, Mark would be able to go back to school, and we wouldn't have to move or put the adoption on hold. But it would change some family dynamics with me working full-time.
And of course now I just got an email from one of the officers on base about a position he thought I might be interested in. WOW when it rains it pours.
So the interview went ok with the real estate management company. I didn't nail it, but it wasn't awful. I should know by early next week if they want me for a second interview.
The interview with the Girl Scouts went really good! It was a phone interview and it was 45min long! She asked for references and had me fill out an employment application and background check release. So I filled them out and sent them back and she asked me for a second interview on Monday! WOW! Not sure what to think, it's happening really fast, they would want me to start mid-July the 14th/19th. So we'll see how the second interview goes, see if I hear anything from Grand Haven and spend a lot of time praying for guidance.
So not sure what's going to happen in the next few weeks but it will be interesting that's for sure. Pray for us please!

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