Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paperwork patience and dining out

So it's been a while since I've updated....sorry!! We had a GREAT meeting with our caseworker, he was super nice and we basically just had a get to know you meeting. He did a cursory walk-through of our apartment and spent most of his visit (just over an hour) talking with us about everything. Where we're from, what kind of music/movies we like, where we work. That kind of stuff. He forgot our paperwork because it accidentally got mailed to us, so I got it the Wednesday after he meet with us (more on that later). We found out that the reason he hadn't gotten ahold of us, and why we'd seen no forward motion mostly likely had to do with our fingerprints...The way those work is they take a digital scan of our prints. Then they are sent to the state for processing, if they don't get a good enough scan than they send them back once a week for 4 weeks. After that point they bring someone in who can digitally clean up our scans, if that doesn't work we have to get printed again. The way our caseworker works it that usually he waits til the scans our back in case something is in our past that would need to be addressed. But because I'm so persistent he agreed to meet with us and trust us when we said we aren't criminals!
So now on to the paperwork! HOLY COW!! Between the two of us there are 25 pages worth of paperwork in this step. Each of us has 12 pages of paperwork that is all details of our own childhood, relationships with family, ideas on discipline, how we think our lives will change with a kid that kind of stuff. So it's not paperwork that is super easy to fill out, it requires a lot of introspection and writing! I think the hardest question for me was what was my favorite childhood memory and worst memory. The favorite wasn't hard, I have great memories of playing with my cousins as a child.
It was the bad memory that was harder for me, not because I couldn't think of one, but because I couldn't choose the worst one. Do I choose the memory of going to my friends funeral as a freshman, or my grandpa's, grandma's? Do I choose moving away from family and friends to a HUGE new school? How bout my relationship with my dad? Never easy things to deal with I didn't know what to choose... so it was stuff like that in these questions. Nothing real easy, other than the describe your house ones haha. But I got mine done, now I have to wait patiently for Mark to do his, he has a HUGE family which makes his so much longer to fill out, and he doesn't have as much time as I do to fill out paperwork. So I'm lucky if he can get 2 or 3 questions a night done. So I have to be careful not to push him to much to do them. I want him to want to fill out the paperwork.
So now on to dining out, we use this budgeting website called this is a site that takes all the information from all of your banking/loan/credit card's and complies that for an easy to read graph. I realized that our food budget was pretty evenly split between groceries and dining out! Not that I'm worried about our bills, or anything we can completely afford our dining out habit, but what would I be able to do with that money if we ate at home more? Would I be able to buy more organic, but less pre-packaged/unhealthy foods? As I get closer and closer to being a mom I wonder more and more about how am I going to feed my family. I would love to be one of those super organized mom's/people who plans out a weeks worth of meals, and goes grocery shopping for just what we need. But I'm so not! I go grocery shopping and buy whatever I 'feel' like getting, dinner is whatever I 'feel' like making, and on those occasions (which are pretty frequent) when I don't 'feel' like making dinner, or nothing 'sounds' good we go out, or order Panera Bread. I REALLY need to work on that. I want to have it planned, so Mark can just throw dinner in the oven, or so that I can know that my kids/family are eating something healthy and as a result have something for Mark to take to work for lunch. SO I just wonder what everyone else does. I know where I learned my habits, it's exactly what my mom does, no fault to her it's not a bad way to live, but I have always dreamed of being one of those super organized, graceful, generous people and well I'm a total klutz, will never be considered graceful. I think I'm doin ok on the generous part, but is there hope for organized? That remains to be seen.


  1. That's a lot of paperwork! I hope things really work out.

    As for the food, I freeze meals so that when you don't feel like preparing something, you can easily pop it in the oven. Saves a lot of time. I use coupons along with current deals when buying groceries and get a lot of stuff. We shop at Aldi a lot too.

  2. I'm a HUGE coupon fan!! Anyone who isn't is just plain crazy I mean come on free money!!! haha I'll be putting an update this week probably about my first foray into meal planning! It was interesting
