Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving is Insane!

So I guess I should update everyone on the move to Arkansas! So far it's been interesting. I love my job, it's really great and I am super excited about growing Girl Scouts in this area. Because my only Girl Scout experience was like a year when I was really young, and I didn't like it, and a couple years of camp I had a lot to learn. The new Girl Scouts branding just came out and they've also been working to make Girl Scouts more responsive to the needs of girls and it's SO COOL!! They have these things called Journey's that take Girl SCouts beyond the typical crafts, camping, cookies idea that everyone has. It really encourages girls to make a difference in their community and global awareness and all that. So I definitely am excited about getting out there and recruiting not only girls but also adult volunteers. Because without them there is no Girl Scouts! The two other girls that started the same day as me are really great! We've really been working together nicely as we try and figure everything out together. I'm of course the youngest but not by much (only about a year or so).
I signed a lease last week and have been waiting to move in until this week. I didn't want to have to pay the pro-rated rent for the week when I'd already paid for the hotel. Moving is expense, though I'm sure everyone already knew that. Luckily our apartment complex we signed with has a great deal right now. We get the first and the last months rent free. Woo! Which is really good cause things have been adding up fast!
Mark is coming down this weekend and I can't wait to see him!!! It'll be nice to get to spend some time together even though I'll be working and have some evening events that I'll need to be at, but it will be really nice to come home to my hunny! But it will be really hard to drive him to the airport on Saturday.
Well I can't really think of anything else. I miss the weather back home I know that, it's HOT here, and we're lucky because of the higher elevation we've been spared the heat advisory. But it's still in the mid-90's with humidity that makes it feel like 100-110!! I hope people come visit cause there is some really cool stuff here in Fayetteville! The area around the University is really cool, the area is absolutely beautiful. We're in the Ozarks so the area is pretty mountainous and the drive here was beautiful! And of course I miss my family and friends back home! But the people here are really friendly! I'd say way more friendly than in MI, or at least in Holland/Zeeland. I tried a new church on Sunday (that went quite well) it was fairly small probably around 75 people, or at least less than 100. While I was there waiting for the service to start, a couple of the elders came up and introduced themselves. The one teaching that day was all excited to introduce me to his wife who is a girl scout leader, and she was all excited to invite me back, and said I should come out to their house for game nite with their small group. I'll definitely be going back this week so hopefully it goes just as good.
Well that's all for now...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

First day of the rest of our lives...

So it has been a while since I updated. I decided to take the job with the Girl Scouts. I leave for Arkansas on Friday! I'm so nervous!! But very exited too! This is my very first grown up job, working 40 hours a week for a salary with benefits and responsibility. It will be my opportunity to see if all my schooling and life up to this point has prepared me for a real job! Yikes.
Things have worked out quite well for me, I was nervous about what would happen with school, drill, etc. But things have worked out. I dropped my classes from the second half of summer, and my first class from spring ended the week before I got the job offer sot hat went well. My class that covers the whole 12 weeks of summer was what had me nervous. My professor had told the class that we could not miss any classes or we'd fail. Yikes, so I emailed him and luckily he was very willing to be flexible. For drill I will be drilling in Arkansas and they will send paperwork back to Michigan.
Most of our furniture has been sold, and I've been doing quite a bit of packing. I'll be taking a carload of stuff with me tomorrow, Mark will be coming down in August with a moving truck with the majority of our stuff and we'll signing a lease. I'll be looking at townhouses/apartments/duplexes for the next two weeks after work and such. so hopefully when Mark comes down I will have narrowed down the list to a couple of places that we can go look at together. Then he will be coming back down to Arkansas for good in Sept/Oct after finishing out our lease and making sure that we have benefits until mine kick in.
I start my first day on Monday at 10AM!! I'm super nervous, I mean this is my first grown up job, with responsibility and expectations and a salary! I'm curious how did you all feel before your first day as a grown up? Cause I'm super nervous, excited, and a bit apprehensive about letting people down. When we went up north over the holiday weekend it was a little bittersweet. It was great to get to see family and spend time with them. But it was also a little sad because we stopped at a couple different cemetery's across the UP. While we were in the Soo we went out to see my Grandpa James' and my dad's graves. I was quite proud of my ability to remember where it was since I hadn't been there in years. We brought some flowers and a baseball (for those that don't know my Grandpa was big in sports). In Newberry we stopped and saw Tiffany's grave. I'd never been before so we had a bit of a time finding it. And lastly in Manistique we stopped by Grandma Jessick and Jessica's graves. So many people in my life that I owe so much to, and hopefully have made proud. I wonder what they'd think of my first grown-up job, of me, of my life choices. I'd like to think they're happy.
So any words of advice or encouragement would great, plus any great first day stories would amuse me :-D
Pray for me please hopefully the trip will be uneventful and I'll arrive in our new town sometime Saturday afternoon.

love you all,