Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just Call Me Godmother :-D

I'm am super honored and privileged to announce that I was asked to be the Godmother for my cousin and his fiance's daughter!! YAY me! I never thought I'd get to be a Godmother! In my family Godparents are a big deal, mostly because they spoil the heck out of you, and it always works that the father chooses the Godfather and the mom chooses the Godmother. Typically it ends up being out of their respective families, and given the fact that my sister has already made it known she doesn't plan to have kids I figured I was pretty much out of the running! So imagine my surprise and utter delight when I had a call from the happy parents to be!? Honestly I started to cry like a baby!! It was truly the nicest thing anyone has ever asked me before (and I can say that because Mark says I technically asked him to marry me so he never asked me to be his wife)! So I was completely taken by surprise and was very happy to accept (who wouldn't?) and am looking forward with even more anticipation to meeting Audrina Jo!
According to the encyclopedia a Godmother is: one who stands surety for another in the rite of Christian baptism. In the modern baptism of an infant or child the godparent or godparents make profession of faith for the person being baptized (the godchild) and assume an obligation to serve as proxies for the parents if the parents either are unable or neglect to provide for the religious training of the child, in fulfillment of baptismal promises. In churches mandating a sponsor only one godparent is required; two (in most churches, of different sex) are permitted. Many Protestant denominations permit but do not require godparents to join the infant's natural parents as sponsors. In the Roman Catholic Church godparents must be of the Catholic faith.
Other than the Catholic part I so have that covered! But in my family being a Godparent means so much more than that and so I promise here and now to make a few more promises to my Goddaughter.....So...

Dear Audrina Jo,
I so can not wait to meet you! You are such a blessing already to your parents, to me, to this world and I know you will be just an amazing little girl. Even though I will be far away there are a few promises I would like to make to you, firstly I promise to always spell your name correctly, and I promise to someday tell you lots of stories about the woman who shared your middle name. I promise to remember every gift giving holiday with an abundance of love, I promise to be a sympathetic ear when you feel like your parents don't understand, I promise to make you laugh with stories of your father and while I don't have a lot of stories with your mom I promise to build up some good ones! I promise to have your best interests at heart and to answer any questions you may have about life truthfully. I promise to be there for you no matter how many miles separate us. But mostly I promise to love you to the best of my abilities for as long as I live!

Your very happy Godmother!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

6 Months

So you may be wondering how things went for us last month....well they pretty much sucked. I had my appointment on the 31st and was expecting to go in there, get a shot, get sent home and make a baby...Well that didn't even come close to happening. Firstly, I got there and was pulled into a separate room to talk about the fact that my insurance sucks! Yep while they'd said that they would cover fertility treatments, what they really meant was they would cover In-Vitro. Not anything else after the diagnosis of infertility. I'm not exactly sure what world that makes sense in but that is the world of insurance I suppose. So we were given a schedule of costs which breaks down to about 300-350 every visit. Yikes!
So I signed the schedule said if we agreed to continue I understood that my insurance didn't cover anything, and from there I went to my actual appointment.
My regular doctor was out so I had to meet with a different doctor, which really isn't a big deal but I like my doctor. Anyways she did an ultrasound and that's where everything really went downhill. As you all may remember I took 10 days worth of oral hormones, induced a period, did 5 days of clomid which was supposed to induce ovulation. Well apparently that didn't happen. UGH so we did blood work and now I'm back on metformin, then doing round 2 of hormones and clomid at a higher dosage.
With clomid you only can do 6 rounds before it starts to do more harm than good in terms of fertility....So thus the title of this post. 6 month....though technically we're in month 2 so we only have 5 more months. But after coming home from my appointment and crying on my wonderful husbands shoulder we came to a decision. After our 6 months if we're not pregnant than we're done...I go back on birth control and get my body back under control and we focus solely on adoption if we still feel sane.
We're trying to feel good about everything, but I'm not doing such a good job..I knew that there was still a possibility of things not working even with the fertility treatments. I didn't really anticipate the whole insurance fiasco, but I knew things might not work, that doesn't really lessen the disappointment. I'd had such a good feeling that things might work, and the disappointment was rough...