So Mark finally made it here safe and sound! Woohoo! And with him came all of my lovely possessions that I had been missing for the last two months! I mean it, I have some nice stuff that I really enjoy being able to use! And since we had originally anticipated it only being two weeks before I got my stuff I had not brought as much variety of things with me!! So needless to say I've been genuinely enjoying opening boxes and getting re-acquainted with my things! And as anyone who knows me will say, I have ALOT of things. The two largest categories of stuff would be books and kitchen stuff. Now since I have invested in the amazing Amazon Kindle I've been working to transfer my larger number of books to electronic versions, right now I'm up to about 165 books on my Kindle!! And love it!! But that's for another post because I seriously should be a salesperson for Kindle's.
On the other hand, I have been working to stock my kitchen since I was in high school! I seriously could not wait for the time when I would have a kitchen of my own to fill! My mom's kitchen took a serious hit the day I moved out haha! And since I have finally been reunited with my many boxes of kitchen stuff it has been heaven! It is seriously the only room in the apartment we have totally unpacked! That is mostly due to the fact that we really haven't bought furniture yet, so there are no dressers for clothes, book cases for my many books, dvd stands for our many get the picture. But we have been blessed with an amazing kitchen! Seriously it's the best one I've had yet and I've had 5 kitchens! It's large, it's got TONS of cupboards/drawers, there is miles of counters, and plenty of storage in our laundry room for all the many things I own!! So naturally the first thing I wanted to do was break it in! And so I did! For work we were going to be leaving ridiculously (5am!! which is insanely early for me!) to go to an event in Little Rock, and if I have to be up at 5am than there had better be some serious sugar involved!! So I made cinnamon rolls!! And they turned out fabulously and I seriously became the most popular person that morning when I showed up to carpool with enough cinnamon rolls for everyone!!mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! haha

Well after giving everyone a taste of my cinnamon rolls I asked what they would enjoy trying next! Because my baking bug had seriously bitten! I think they might have been teasing just a little when they asked for donuts but luckily for everyone involved I happen to have an amazing recipe for donuts from someone from high school! So Monday morning I rolled in with homemade donuts!! Sadly I forgot to take a picture of them and they were gone by lunchtime!! A couple days later I was lucky enough to have been home by 6pm, which considering I ended up working almost 60hrs that week is amazing!! So of course I made an apple pie haha cause who wouldn't do that when they get home early!! For those of you who haven't had my dutch apple pie you are seriously missing out, because I honestly think it is the best thing I make!! And Wal-Mart was nice enough to stock MI apples for me! HAHA the pie was also a hit and that works for me because this holiday season I'm looking to make some extra cash by selling my pies to people who don't want to bake their own for the holidays and word of mouth is my best possible advertisement! Sadly I also forgot to take a picture of the finished pie, but trust me when I say it was YUMMY!! Tonight I just got done making banana bread to take in tomorrow, since I didn't work today *benefit of a 60hr week last week is a comp day today!
I've honestly figured that if money was no issue I would live in a town, with a thriving downtown community (hm like Holland haha) and own a small pie shop. Just serve different kinds of pies and coffee/tea just a casual cool hang out with awesome pies! That's honestly like my dream. But since I'm not likely to win the lottery *since I don't play it haha* I'll just content myself with baking yummy treats and sharing them with work, and maybe selling a few on the side. Someday when Mark and I own our bed and breakfast I'll be stoked to take care of all the baking there!
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