So not a whole lot has happened on the adoption front, we haven't heard yet from our caseworker and I called the other day but didn't hear back. So will be calling them again today. So we're basically just waiting, and I don't do that well. We're going to have to figure out when there are PRIDE trainings available, I know that will my school schedule I will not be able to do Saturdays, but I should be able to do the evenings ones during the week. Mark has been working a lot of hours, which is good, but they've been working a lot of Saturdays and so he probably won't be able to do the Saturday class either.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, scary I know. Mark and I have both agreed that we are going to continue to try and have a baby. So we needed to have a serious conversation in regards to what we would do if by some miracle we get pregnant. What we've come up with is that if we get pregnant before we are to far in the adoption process than we will focus our efforts on the baby and re-evalute for adoption in another year or two.
Because adoption is something we are planning on doing regardless of how many kids we have biologically. If we get to the point in adoption where we're looking at specific kids and our homestudy has gone through and all that then we will stop trying to have a baby and focus all our attention on our new child. (as it should be). ANd if by some chance we find out we're pregnant the same day we sign for the adoption, or have started talking seriously with the worker of a specific child, than we won't pull out on the adoption cause that would be cruel, so we'd just make sure the new child would be ok with a baby on the way and trust God to provide for us and help us be good parents to both. But the problem I'm having a hard time with is deciding which one do I hope for more? Of course I want a baby more than anything, but I also have always felt such a calling towards adoption and every time I look at the MARE website my heart breaks for these kids and I would love to bring all of them home. So while we are completely happy with however we start our family in my mind I struggle with which one do I hope happens more? Cause it's not as if we don't have some say in how much effort we put towards both, I'm 2.5 months away from the 6 month period my doctor reccommended before we go to a specialist (which for us would merely mean taking oral hormones since we won't be doing in-vetro).
So do we make that appointment, or do we continue with the adoption, how can I put my mind 100% towards both? I think it is easier for Mark because A. he is so laid back and B. it's not really his body that will be doing all the work. I'm just so torn right now. So my prayer every night is for God to show me which is his will, because I'm so not sure. I want a family, and know that is in the cards for us, but if He could just give me a sign as to which one is for us right now I'd really appreciate it!! I don't want to be like Sarai and not trust God for a child, but I do know that adoption is such a great thing. So welcome to my mind, and keep me in your prayers so I don't go crazy trying to figure this out. And don't think badly of me that I sorta hope we get option C. (baby and adoption) haha cause I want my cake and eat it to!!!
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